Why has golf become more popular in 2020?
Golf has become even more popular this 2020 after the pandemic of Covid-19 and one of the main reasons is the fact that is played outdoors and individually. Two facts well appreciated nowadays in consequence of the situation that has affected our world and the multiple confinements that we had to live as a desperate attempt to reduce the numbers. Therefore, golf is one of the safest sports to practice in 2020 and still in 2021.
Playing golf at RCG El Prat is safe
The fact that golf can be played outdoors has been key to encouraging many players to retake the game, start for the first time or visit the golf course even more. The golf business has notice an increase of the number of players during this 2020 who want to enjoy the peaks of playing golf in Barcelona. Plus, it is known that outdoors the virus do not survive as much, something great at any time of the year. In addition, after the hard months of confinement, who did not want to enjoy nature and fresh air? i9It is not only healthy for the body, but also for the mind and soul.
What is more, the Real Club de Golf El Prat has enhanced the natural safety of golf through specific measures against Covid. Some examples are the use of masks and hand sanitizer, enable prepared areas of the Club House, encouraging online booking to get a tee time or organizing specific areas to leave the golf equipment for disinfected procedures. Those are measures implemented since the course, located a few kilometers from Barcelona, reopened in June and the feedback has been very positive.

Playing golf is healthy
Several studies show that golf is healthy and can extend the life of its players up to 5 years, according to Dr. A. Murray. Above all, it is recommended for patients with cardiovascular, neurological or mental health problems because it is practiced outdoors, with low impact and that requires a mental effort to hit the ball.
Thanks to its low impact, the injuries that can be caused by playing golf are low, which is why its practice is recommended at all ages, especially from 65 years and up. On the other hand, injuries that someone might suffer are due, in most cases, to performing the movement wrong.
Regarding mental health, during these months of health crisis and according to WHO studies, there has been a growth of mental problems cases caused, among other things, from both physical and mental isolation. Golf requires concentration and allows the player, for several hours, to escape from day to day problems and enjoy the surroundings and the company (with a safe distance, of course).
Increase of golf players in 2020
Being able to practice a safe sport today has been positively reflected in the number of players with an increase of golf licences in Spain with a total of 271,788, which represents a positive growth of 0.1% compared to 2019 ( 318 more licenses according to the Real Federación Española de Golf).
At Real Club de Golf El Prat we have had also new members joining our Club and enjoying our Greg Norman’s golf courses. Its ideal location near Barcelona and the high quality of its courses are a great attraction for golf lovers.
This 2021 we hope to offer fun and excellence to all our players and visitors who are encouraged to continue practicing their favorite sport. In our Club, we will continue to work on safety, not only for our players, but also for the whole society so together we can overcome this situation.